UI Center On Depression and Resilience

Could This New ResearchKit App Help Develop The Fitness Tracker For The Brain?

In April 2016, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation launched the Mood Challenge, an open call to tech entrepreneurs, innovators and mental health practitioners to leverage Apple’s ResearchKit to create new technologies that would test, predict and treat mental health conditions. Throughout the process, selected teams would receive incremental funding at each stage, with the winner receiving $200,000 to further develop and test their technology. 

06/02/2017 09:06:59 AM
Pioneering Research

UIC App Designed to Track Bipolar Disorder Wins Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded Mood Challenge for Research Kit

Doctor Alex Leow, associate professor of psychiatry in the UIC College of Medicine and associate professor of bioengineering and computer science, and Peter Nelson, professor of computer science and dean of the UIC College of Engineering, discussed their award-winning app, BiAffect, on Chicago Tonight.

05/24/2017 09:05:13 AM
Pioneering Research

mHealth Apps for Mood Measurement are Part of Growing Market

Developers of the two apps, Aware Study and BiAffect, will spend the next six months – and $100,000 each – refining and testing their platforms on Apple’s ResearchKit framework. The winner, chosen next April, will receive $200,000 and a place in the App Store to market the app.

03/10/2017 13:03:41 PM
Pioneering Research

Can Apps be Used to Treat, Predict Mood Disorders?

Researchers at two Chicago universities are studying the ways in which apps could be used to reduce depression or anxiety and even predict manic episodes.

03/10/2017 12:03:16 PM
Pioneering Research

Can cellphone use predict manic episodes in bipolar disorder?

A cellphone app that measures typing speed and spell-check overrides may be able to predict manic and depressive moods in people diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

03/10/2017 11:03:57 AM
Pioneering Research

New Approach to Mood Disorders Offers New Frontier on Mental Health Interventions

BiAffect, a new smartphone application, offers scientists and patients an unprecedented opportunity to understand mood and neurocognitive functioning in bipolar disorder. Through keystroke dynamics, such as typing speed and errors, BiAffect tracks and predicts mood episodes. It is a pioneering example of UI CDR’s team science approach in action, which brings together talent from psychiatry, engineering, computer science, and big data to make a profound impact on mood disorder. Mathematical Equations on the Mind

01/09/2017 14:01:39 PM