Dr. Atkins is a licensed clinical psychologist and Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology and past Director of the Institute for Juvenile Research at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). He developed and led the internship in clinical psychology for the Department of Psychiatry for two decades and has mentored numerous graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on career development awards and postdoctoral fellowships. He currently directs the Community Engagement and Collaboration core for UIC’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science. He is the recipient of numerous grants from the NIMH and private foundations examining new models for mental health practice in urban communities to address long-standing disparities in mental health care for children and families living in high poverty urban communities. He currently is Co-PI with Dr. Tara Mehta on a grant from the NIMH studying community health worker navigation into mental health services for urban children and families. He is active in public policy, including as a consultant to the Chicago Public Schools, the Illinois Division of Mental Health, and the Illinois State Board of Education on guidelines for school and community based mental health programs and practices, and to Chief Judge Timothy Evans of the Cook County Circuit Court on behavioral health programming for Restorative Justice Courts. He is co-head of the Chicago Consortium for Community Engagement in collaboration with the Chicago Department of Public Health, a member of a task force on officer wellness for the Chicago Police Department, and is collaborating with NAMI-Chicago on the development of a behavioral health response team for the Chicago Police Department. He is a Fellow of the Military Suicide Research Consortium serving as a consultant to the Idaho Army National Guard, and a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, the American Psychological Association, and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. He has served three terms on the executive committee of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science of the Association for Psychological Science and is Past-President of the Society for Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Division 53) of the American Psychological Association.

Marc S. Atkins PhD
Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology
University of Illinois Chicago
PHONE:(312) 413-1048EMAIL:atkins [at] uic.edu