Benjamin Van Voorhees

Benjamin Van Voorhees MD , MPH

Professor of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine
Head Department of Pediatrics
Physician-in-Chief Children’s Hospital University of Illinois
Project Director for CHECK Grant Department of Pediatrics
University of Illinois Chicago Children's Hospital UIHHSS

Dr. Benjamin Van Voorhees is  the Head of the Department of Pediatrics, Adolescent Medicine and Development, University of Illinois Chicago. He the co-Principal Investigator of the  PATH2 Purpose (Patient Centered Outcomes Research institute (PCORI) project grant), the PATHway Study ( a National Institute of Mental Health RO-1 funded clinical trial) and the BEST study (PCORI funded project grant) . Dr. Van Voorhees is dedicated to the development and evaluation of technology-based “behavioral vaccines” for children and adolescents at risk for depression. He is passionate to also advance healthcare access and coordination for children and young adults with chronic or complex medical conditions, particularly those who are underserved in the community. His current projects focus on a public health model of treatment and screening, providing innovative approaches and interventions to children and teenagers through targeted assessment and family focused care.
