Can cellphone use predict manic episodes in bipolar disorder?

A cellphone app that measures typing speed and spell-check overrides may be able to predict manic and depressive moods in people diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

Peter Nelson (left) and Alex Leow lead a team that developed an app called BiAffect, ­which can monitor mobile device usage to predict manic and depressive moods in people diagnosed with bipolar disorder. (Photo: Jenny Fontaine)
Peter Nelson (left) and Alex Leow lead a team that developed an app called BiAffect. (Photo: Jenny Fontaine)

A team led by two UIC researchers has been chosen as one of two finalists in a contest to use Apple’s ResearchKit, an open-source platform for creating apps, to develop a means to study mood disorders. As finalists, they will receive $100,000 to develop their app using Apple’s beta-testing platform, Test Flight. The eventual winner of the Mood Challenge, to be announced in May, will receive a final award of $200,000 to launch their app publicly.


Alex Leow

Alex Leow MD PhD

Joining the University in 2009, Dr. Leow received clinical training in Psychiatry and research training in biomedical imaging, both at UCLA. Having co-authored more than 70 articles, Dr. Leow's current research interests focus on developing novel probabilistic reconstruction, tractography, and ne ...
