Stewart Shankman

Stewart Shankman PhD

Dr. Shankman's research focuses on the relation between depression and anxiety disorders, with an emphasis on neurobehavioral processes that are common vs. specific between the two. Currently, Dr. Shankman is the Principal Investigator and co-investigator on multiple NIH-funded projects.


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Antidepressant side effects reported more by patients with panic disorder

Patients who take medication for depression report more side effects if they also suffer from panic disorder, according to a new study led by UIC researchers and published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Read More

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Patients with panic disorder report more antidepressant side effects, study finds

Patient reactions to antidepressants can vary greatly from one person to another. However, according to research from the U.S., published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, depression patients also suffering from panic disorder could be prone to reporting more side effects and of greater intensity than those suffering from depression alone. Read More

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Problem-solving leads to better lives for those with mood disorders

Using a multi-method approach to explore the relationship between mood and anxiety disorders, Stewart Shankman seeks answers to the nature and course of depression. Read More
